(570) 590-2018
Well-Person, Preconception, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, and Bereavement Care
Christiana is a midwife who offers in-home personalized care. She feels it is empowering and changes the power dynamic by giving people care in their home where they hold the power. Bodily autonomy and true informed consent are nestled deep in the heart of her care. Together the Individual/family-midwife dynamic works on creating a safe space where the people feel heard and supported in their decisions. The individual being cared for leads the care. Christiana is here to support, empower, and educate.
🌈She supports all individuals and families being their most authentic self in her care🌈
Services Provided In-Home:
♡Pre-Conception/Fertility Support
♡Natural Family Planning and Contraceptive Education
♡Lactation Support and Referrals
♡ Bereavement Care and Support
Drop-in Prenatal and Postpartum Care is available at this time!
♡Beyond Diversity: LGTBQ+ 101- Family Equality Open Door Professional Training Program-2024
♡IUI for Midwives- Refuge Birth, Ray Rachlin- 2023/2024
♡ BLS/CPR (Infant, Children, Adult)-2023
♡ Anemia: Diagnosis, Implications, and Management in Pregnancy and Postpartum- Hive CE 2023
♡ Suturing For Midwives (MidwifeCE)- 2023
♡ Integrative Gynecology- 2023
♡Midwifery apprenticeship with Abigail Iovine of Cardinal Birth 2018-Present (Attending as Second Midwife/Back-up)
♡NRP with Karen Strange 2022
♡B.E.S.T Online Training 2022
♡Breech Without Boarders-2020
♡HiveCE FHT Assessment-2020
♡NILMDTS Affiliate Trained-2020
♡Spinning Babies Shoulder Dystocia Trained-2020
♡NRP Training with Jennifer Nelson-2019
♡Breastfeeding USA Trained- 2019
♡Spectra Pump and Accessories Certification-2019
♡StillBirthDay Trained-2019
♡PAIL Advocates Training-2019
♡Cardinal Birth Assistant Course-2019
♡Cardinal Birth Certified Doula-2018
♡Cardinal Birth Placenta Training-2018
♡COE Aromatherapy Training-2018
♡CPR, AED, First Aid for Healthcare Professionals-2015
♡Penn State: Nursing Major- 2014-2016 (College level A&P, Microbiology, Nutrition, Psychology, Human Development and Family Studies, and Sociology)
Experience with: First time Parents, First Homebirths, VBACs, LGTBQA+ Families, Teen Parents, Twins, Breech, IUI/IVF, and more❤️

"To change the world, we must first change the way the babies are being born."